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Tablet 10.1'' LENOVO TB-X103F RAM 1 GB / Almacenamiento 16 GB

  • £139
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E-Book KINDLE Touch Wifi 6 Pantalla E Ink Pearl HD, 167 ppp. Tecnología de fuente optimizada.

  • £80
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E-Book KINDLE Paperwhite 4 GB WiFi / 6''

  • £130
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PHP CodeIgniter for Absolute Beginners

Learn CodeIgniter from scratch with this simple and easy to master course! Building dynamic websites is not an easy challenge and requires time and effort dedicated to coding every bit of the website, which is why anytime there is...

  • £43
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Building PHP RESTful Web Services

PHP 7 has modernized the way developers write code, simplifying various operations and adding support for several more.

  • £122
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Getting Started with Microservices in PHP

Microservices (aka the microservice architecture) is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large...

  • £120
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Building RESTful Web Services with PHP 7

"REST is the most wide spread and effective standard to develop APIs for internet services. With the way PHP and its eco-system has modernized the way code is written by simplifying various operations, it is useful to develop RESTful APIs...

  • £30
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Advanced Concepts of PHP Reactive Programming

Reactive Programming helps us write code that is concise, clear, and readable. Combining the power of reactive programming and PHP, one of the most widely used languages, will enable you to create web applications more pragmatically...

  • £144